Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Random thoughts

Well tonight I am just glad I have the house to myself *Sorry hubby* I mean it in the best way.
I just have been struggling. I think I am lost in "The Fog" and for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about - reference to Dare To Dream, Work To Win by Dr. Tom Barrett. I am stuck in the middle of what I want, what I think I should do about it, actually doing something about it, and just how, where, who, when?!! I have been growing, learning, and showing myself I'm capable of so much more than I thought. Yet what is this struggle I feel I am having?

 Well I figured out I haven't been putting in an effort towards a TEAM. I have some amazing clients and It has moved me up in the market plan, but I have no one to share it with! I really want to bring people to a Success Training Seminar (STS) where the moment you walk in, everything else stops and you want to dance! The music blaring, the people lined up on both sides creating a walkway to high five you - just because you made the decision to show up!! People standing on chairs, singing, dancing, laughing, and yelling at the top of their lungs, just pure joy and happiness and positive energy! Or how about the fact I get to go to Chicago for work in July, it's called the Extravaganza!! How alluring is that?! Well it's just as amazing as it sounds, so my thing is - I want to share that with people!! I want to be able to take some of my experience and show it to the world if it meant they could come join with me.  I know at the bank, my meetings sucked and well now I'm looking forward to them! 

How do I get more people in my business? That's the question.... 
I do my invites, my stickies, my this and that.... I'm creating my 90 day plan and seeing what works and what fails. I will keep you updated!! 

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